I will never forget the first day of art class in my high school and the impact it made on my life regarding art and design. Mr. Kay came into the room and after getting everyone’s attention asked us to look around. There were posters and paintings on the walls, a clock, chalkboard, desks, chairs, pencil sharpener, shelves and cabinets filled with art supplies, other students, and hundreds of other things.
Mr Kay then told us everything we see had to be designed, either by a designer, artist, engineer, architect, craftsperson, or student. Of course, we all know this, but do we ever really think about it? The room, the lights, and windows, our clothing, our shoes, the desks, chairs, my glasses, pens, books,… literally everything there had to be designed. Some of them for function, while others designed purely as an artistic expression. It improves our lives in large and small ways. It is everywhere, and it matters.
He then began to explain just how vast an industry art and design is and that a good artist/designer will never be without work. That discussion had a huge impact on me and is partly why I went into the field of art and design. Several years later and several art classes later Mr. Kay asked me if I ever thought about pursuing a career in art or design. I took his advice, went to college for design, and have spent my entire life doing just that.
All forms of art and design fascinate me, and by extension, branding and marketing. It is a crucial component in how your company and your brand is seen by the general public, including your customers. I have spent my career designing all sorts of things from advertising, brochures, logos, graphic identities, magazines, billboards, tv commercials, tv show opens, and news graphics, to car stereos, radar detectors, watches, cellphones, packaging and websites.
I use whatever medium is available to help me in the process, from pencil and paper, to computer aided 3D design, videography, and the Adobe Creative Suite.
Art and design is everywhere, and it matters. Thanks Mr Kay!
John Pszeniczny